A 2017 recipient of a New Jersey Council on the Arts poetry fellowship, Nicole Rollender is the author of the poetry collection Louder Than Everything You Love (Five Oaks Press) and the chapbooks Absence of Stars (dancing girl press & studio), Bone of My Bone (Blood Pudding Press), Ghost Tongue (Porkbelly Press) and Arrangement of Desire (Pudding House Publications). She's managing editor at THRUSH Poetry Journal. Her poetry has been published in The Adroit Journal, Alaska Quarterly Review, Best New Poets 2014, Harpur Palate, The Journal, Ninth Letter, Radar Poetry, Ruminate Magazine, PANK, Salt Hill Journal and West Branch, among others. She's the 2017 winner of the Thomas Merton Prize in Poetry of the Sacred from the Center for Interfaith Relations. She also won Gigantic Sequins' 2017 Poetry Prize, CALYX Journal's 13th Lois Cranstin Memorial Prize, Ruminate Magazine's Janet B. McCabe Poetry Prize and Princemere Journal's Poetry Prize.